Friday, September 21, 2012

Four weeks old.

Yesterday Max turned four weeks old. I thought I'd put together a list of things I have learned and observed since entering the world of motherhood.

1. Working long hours in the office and thinking you're tired, is nothing compared to how tired you can feel looking after a newborn baby.
2. I have new found appreciation for mothers and I feel quite bad in hindsight for thinking that 'pushing a pram' was the height of luxury.
3. Nothing compares to when your little baby smiles at you. Something so vulnerable and small that already knows it needs and loves you.
4. Being able to calm your baby by it hearing your voice across the room - I've never experienced how special it is to be able to impart a feeling of safety.
5. Watching my husband love Max is so beautiful - and so incredibly sexy. Hearing him read him stories every night, makes me realise tenfold that my best friend, husband and father to my child is my soul mate.
6. People are so generous. Everyday we have parcels arriving from all over the country and world. Babies have an enormous affect on people's affection - and we are so grateful.
7. Putting makeup on and wearing nice clothes takes on new meaning - every morning I get up, shower and dress like I'm going out to lunch. It not only makes me feel pretty, but keeps me feeling like me. I also make the bed and do the housework - nothing like a clean house to keep you sane.
8. Baby weight falls off - any worry I had before having Max was quickly dispelled as soon as I started breastfeeding. My body is back to normal (except for the pregnancy line, which can take up to six months to fade).
9. Not having to work is amazing, it means Max and I can have little naps when we need it, take a leisurely stroll to the shops, and watch copious amounts of X Factor on my iPad.
10. How proud I feel when Max gains weight, who knew I would get as much satisfaction from this as I ever did from any career milestone.

* I want to say a big thank you to the following people. My lovely sister Cath and her husband Duncan along with my niece and nephew Nieve & Lewis for the little bunny rabbit. Yesterday a big parcel arrived from Yaya (Zach's mum - Maxy's grandma), there were so many beautiful things inside, handmade knitting, Pure Born organic baby clothes (including the hoodie I've photographed) and little booties. I also visited Nature Baby and picked out a new stretch and grow for Max - it's from their new collection, isn't it cute?

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