Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Three months old.

I'm cheating. Maxime turned twelve weeks last Thursday, but he isn't officially three months until Friday the 23rd. But since we are packing and moving house this Friday/Saturday, I felt I needed to do my three month post just a little early, to make sure it got done. He has changed so much in such a little amount of time. He now weighs 14 pounds, is 63 cm in height, and has a head size in the 98th percentile (let's hope that is because he has a big brain!). He also squeals with delight, gurgles, coos, chats and loves to be around people. We find it hard to believe he wasn't always here!

In other exciting news, my floorboards in our new home are now white! The third coat is going on on Thursday, I absolutely can't wait to move in. Will post some before and afters soon....

Happy three month-ish my little boy. I love you so much, you make me so happy, you are the best thing I have ever made. Ever.

1 comment:

  1. These photos are utterly gorgeous x What good looking men you have in your life!
