Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The gang.

These little boys were all born within six days of each other. They are now all almost four months old (Maxime is 16 weeks tomorrow). It's really incredible watching them begin to interact with one another. R smiles all of the time at L and Maxime, and Maxime quite likes R's arm for chewing on. We are really lucky as mums to be able to share all of their milestones because they are so close in age. I think they will become quite close wee friends.

M also bought me these beautiful flowers as a move-in present - aren't they gorgeous?

In other news, Maxime mastered his first roll yesterday!

1 comment:

  1. I feel like a stalker! I just love your blog, your girlfriend forwarded me the link - your little boy is GORGEOUS. My baby is due in February, would you be available to take some photos?

    - thanks Haylee (021756751).
